
Encouragement from Psalm 21

Psalm 21 is, in the first sense, a psalm of David. It confesses that though David is a king, he places his trust not in himself, but in God. But we know David was not always trusting in God, and he abused his power as king especially with Bathsheba and Uriah. (2 Samuel 11) In … Read more

Encouragement from Psalm 20

Psalm 20 is a bold invitation to trust in the one true God. God’s help comes from his presence. In the psalmist, David’s time, that was from the temple on Mt. Zion. For us Christians, we look for God’s presence in the body of Jesus who is Immanuel, “God with us”. Our sinful flesh desires … Read more

Encouragement from Psalm 19

God’s Law is often met with feelings of fear or shame. This isn’t a bad thing, as it helps reveal our sin to us. In a narrow sense, God’s Law refers to his commandments, which condemns us as sinners. But in a broad sense, God’s Law captures all of his teaching. This includes even his … Read more

Encouragement from Psalm 18

How does our God react when he sees the suffering of his people? Try taking 5 minutes today to read Psalm 18. It describes God’s frustration against evil as rocking and reeling the earth, as if his nostrils breathed out the smoke and fire of a volcano. Granted, we never see this when we suffer. … Read more

Faith at Home

One of the accounts we recently read was about Jesus praying in the Mount of Olives. There are more than a few ways to talk about this in the home. Visit some gardens and talk about Jesus prayed in a Garden. See if Jesus can catch the disciples “sleeping” by play a game like Peekaboo. … Read more

Confirmation Thought

Last night, the catechesis students went through the parts of the catechism. They tried to remember what the different parts were and described what each part meant in their own words. This is a great practice for any Christian!

Confirmation Thought

Recently, the catechesis students looked over the rite of Confirmation. Take a look at the words used at Confirmation (page 272 in the hymnal) and in Baptism (page 268 in the hymnal). Do any of them look similar?