August Update

We continue to give thanks to God that we are able to gather together as the Church here, even as COVID lingers and cases rise. Our leadership is regularly evaluating our practices. Our hope is to retain a balance of offering safe options for those practicing more caution, but also to begin offering opportunities to those who desire to gather more. Our Divine Service Schedule will continue as it has:

  • Our standard service is Sunday at 9:00 AM, where attendees are free to make their own safety choices while being conscious of others (average attendance: 50-60).
  • Sunday at 11:00 AM is intended for more at-risk members, and masks are not required but are more commonly used (average attendance: 20-30).
  • Our Monday 6:30 PM service is a smaller, shorter service intended both for those unavailable on Sundays, but also as another option for those desiring more caution (average attendance: 5).

If you’re interested in additional social and learning opportunities, check out our Bible Studies, Classes, etc. page.