Lenten Midweek Theme: Our Savior in the Psalms

For the season of Lent, I have decided to draw our attention closer to the Psalms. For each of our Midweek services following Ash Wednesday and before Holy Week, we’ll consider a Psalm and how it reveals and points to our savior.

I. Psalm 2 – Our King
II. Psalm 8 – Mankind Defined
III. Psalm 45 – Our Bridegroom
IV. Psalm 80 – The Vine
V. Psalm 60 – Our Banner

The Psalms chosen won’t necessarily have a Lenten theme of themselves, but we’ll certainly view them in the context of Lent and Holy Week. The hymns chosen will support the Psalm theme, so they may come from all seasons.

Our liturgy for these midweek services will be the Service of Evening Prayer LSB 243. You can listen to and read more about this service on this previous post.

Studying the Old Testament deeper, such as with these Psalms, will only further illuminate the love our Savior has for us.

Jesus said to them “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” – Luke 24:44