Thank You

There are many people who help meet the spiritual needs of the people at Concordia. We have Pastor Gaschler who is called to spiritually care for all at Concordia. We also have the Board of Pastoral Care. They help assist pastor in this monumental task. They can often be seen assisting pastor every week at Communion. They also help find guest preachers for when pastor is taking a well deserved rest.

There are members who help care for the physical needs of members or our church property. We’ve had members help others move, garden, clean, and more. Our members assist others through food pantries and programs like Concordia Cares. We also have members who do outdoor work and gardening around the church and Preschool buildings. Others help with indoor projects like cleaning the kitchen or washing the kitchen cabinets. The toys in the nursery have been cleaned. There are also special projects that come up where people have the tools to help. One of the most recent was replacing the marker board in the Mark Room.

We always seem to have something that needs to be done! We thank God for all the members of Concordia and the special gifts, talents, and time He gives them to serve. Some are able to serve by helping with the physical upkeep and maintenance of our building. Others help with the discipleship and spiritual growth of others. Many help with both of these tasks! Thank you for using your gifts to serve God in both big and small ways.