VBS 2021 Pictures

VBS Opening

Thank you again for everyone whole helped make Vacation Bible School possible through their prayers, donations, and volunteering. There are so many who helped prepare the church for VBS and those who shared God’s love during the week of VBS.

Throughout the week, we learned about how Jesus leads us to the greatest treasure of all. We learned that God keeps His promises, like when He rescued Noah. We studied about our loving God and the direction He gives in the 10 Commandments. We discovered that Jesus is always with us like when He called the disciples. We learned Jesus is full of healing like when He healed the 10 lepers. We also learned to take comfort that Jesus helps us share His Good News like when He visited His disciples.

We learned all of this through music, narrative, crafts, games, snacks, science, and mission.  We collected items for The Refuge food pantry in Greenwood.  We also collected money to create hygiene kits to send to Lutheran World Relief. We would like to thank the members of Concordia for everything they did to help support this ministry to the children in our congregation and community.

Group 1 Story
Group 2 Games
Group 3 Bible Challenge
Group 4 Crafts
Group 5 Music
Hanging with Pastor
Hygiene Kit Items
Completed Hygiene Kits
